All the Secrets about our exceptional Discoveries

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00martedì 9 ottobre 2007 09:47
All the Secrets about our exceptional Discoveries

Cari amici, bisogna capire casa dicono questi signori perché la cosa sembra molto interessante e intrigante.

Purtroppo non capisco la lingua inglese, se ce qualcuno nel nostro gruppo che può tradurre a grosse linee nelle parti salienti e pregato di attivarsi.

Avrà di certo la nostra riconoscenza.

Ne potrebbe venir fuori un argomento con i fiocchi sempre se ci consentono di passare i loro articoli sulla comunità del Forum NWO Italiano.
00mercoledì 10 ottobre 2007 04:18
Prego rispondere all'Appello.
00giovedì 11 ottobre 2007 00:09 Forum » Crop Circles
scoperta meraviglioso(1 post)
Started 1 month ago by lovejungle
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Member Hello,

Parlare Italiano di ancora di posso di Scusi mA non. Bene Italiano di caspisco di mA di anglesco di bisogno di Adesso. Così, scrivo in inglese ma nessun problema per me per scrivere in italiano.
Così qui è la mia storia, rapidamente. Molti anni fa, una squadra di scienziati ha scoperto qualche cosa di unimagineable circa la storia dell\'umanità. Ci ha occorr gli anni per capire tutto da questo. All\'estremità eravamo soltanto della squadra da provare a presentare i nostri risultati ma ognuno li ha rifiutati. Allora abbiamo speso un anno che riunisce una squadra grande di scienziati intorno noi per analizzare la nostra scoperta. Abbiamo pensato che con un\'intera squadra fosse differente, ma eravamo errati. Gli scienziati sono stati stupiti ma quando hanno provato a parlare della loro scoperta, hanno affrontato lo stesso rifiuto da ognuno che avessimo incontrato. Alcuni esperti hanno andato ma un certo altro rimasto con noi. Abbiamo deciso insieme aprire una tribuna sul Internet alla diffusione almeno alcune verità circa una certa funzione della scienza. Una volta di più non ha funzionato perché dovunque potremmo andare, noi è stata insultata. Perchè? Poiché in la maggior parte dei paesi, la popolazione è guasto e non desidera imparare le cose in grado di disturbare il loro sonno profondo. Abbiamo capito allora che il punto non è che cosa dobbiamo dire ma con chi stiamo comunicando. Abbiamo fatto il quite a lot di ricerca in Europa ed anche le prove molto e per concludere, l\'intera squadra sono giunto alla stessa conclusione che l\'Italia potrebbe essere uno di ultimi paesi con una popolazione ancora viva e la reazione. Tutte le nostre speranze oggi sono disposte su questo paese. So che per voi che potrebbe sembrare pazzesco ma dappertutto noi ho analizzato una nazione abbiamo scoperto i sistemi per avere un controllo perfetto ed assoluto sulla popolazione.

I paesi nordici sono completamente egoisti, la Francia è completamente fascista con Sarkozy ed in seguito, quando andiamo troppo lontano al sud, la popolazione è troppo nella necessità di essere aperta a qualcosa troppo forte. Soltanto l\'Italia sembra essere un genere di doppio paese con il nord ed il sud. Gli italiani non sono deboli e sembrano potere reagire sulla loro politica per esempio. Sembrate essere abbastanza qualche combattenti e deboli. Così ora stiamo facendo il nostro la cosa migliore per girare verso l\'Italia. Non è il punto qui da parlare di che cosa abbiamo trovato perché non è così facile da spiegare. Stiamo cercando il vostro aiuto per avere un\'introduzione in Italia. Non conosciamo come? Abbiamo messo la nostra tribuna in linea in Italia (, ma vorremmo fare alcune pubblicità, ma come? Avete un sistema del google soltanto per l\'Italia? Che cosa possiamo fare, generare alcuni rapporti in Italia? Che cosa possiamo fare per avere un\'esistenza sul Internet? Le nostre motivazioni vanno più avanti perché alcuni di noi, come me, hanno cominciato imparare che alcuni italiano e noi già abbiamo preso una casa piccola in Italia, ma non è abbastanza perché non desideriamo essere turisti in Italia desideriamo esistere e può essere di portarli i segreti abbiamo trovato, perché siete forse in Europa una di ultima gente da essere abbastanza forte ricevere questo segreto. In ogni modo, potreste aiutarli a venire a contatto dei posti interessanti virtualmente o reale, per essere una punta piccola conosciuta, per generare i contatti in moda da poterli iniziare noi qualcosa nel vostro paese, la nostra ultima speranza. Abbiamo mólto portare su ogni funzione, ma per quello dobbiamo avere un senso poll. Aiutarli prego, grazie molto. Una volta di più, dato che me non ci è oggi problema per leggere l\'italiano in modo da potete rispondere a in vostra lingua materna, là siete problema.



I am Mel a friend of Pano.
This is the forum from Pano and some experts. There are many interesting articles about paranormal skills, crop circles, free will, new world order and so on. When you have questions you can ask this on side You can ask in english or italian or other languages.

I hope we see us on this forum.

greetings mel
00giovedì 11 ottobre 2007 08:44
a help ... un aiuto
ho dato un'occhiata veloce a questo forum ... che dire parlano di dragoons (dragoni - rettiliani) e un po' di altre tematiche ampiamente affrontate anche in questo forum.

mi incuriosisce il fatto che si definiscano scienziati... di quale scienza? da quale universita'?
e soprattutto di dove sono originari questi scienziati? europei? americani? asiatici? australiani?

se hai bisogno di aiuto io parlo varie lingue.... ma preferirei che si postasse qui e non sul loro forum.

00giovedì 11 ottobre 2007 10:35
Re: a help ... un aiuto
ascolta caro amico trojan.ll, il fatto che tu abbia dei dubbi su di noi scienziati non vuol dire che dobbiamo un giorno svegliarci sul lavoro e avere dei dubbi sulla nostra competenza, magari solo per il fatto di avere scritto su questo forum.

ebbene, è proprio vero allora che chiunque di noi scriva qui non sia serio?

insomma esiste in te un criterio assoluto su questo forum per distinguere i veri scienziati dai non scienziati?

non esiste in questo forum un codice assoluto morale, quindi le tue osservazioni su chi è e cni non è è del tutto irrilevante dal punto di vista scientifico.

puoi rispondere se vuoi ai nostri articoli scientifici con altri articoli altrettanto interessanti, io spero, o non rispondere affatto, ma non puoi dire nulla di assoluto e vero su noi basandoti sui regolamenti per definire un profilo psicologico perchè questo forum non ha competenze discipolinari sugli utenti che affermano di essere degli scienziati.

anche se tu non credi, e non me ne importa nulla, non perdo il sonno e il mio lavoro continua ugualmente ogni giorno, anche in ciò non puoi negarlo a priori, non ha il diritto di indagare violando la nostra vita privata, non puoi che contemplare la tua profonda frustrazione egogica nell'essere impotente davanti alla nostra libertà di scrivere le nostre opinioni.

come i notri interventi già ammettiamo siano relativi e non assoluti, ci aspettiamo che altrettanto ammettiate dei vostri dubbi su di noi, cioè non sono probanti nemmeno se vi arrampicaste sui vetri.

ma è possibile che a voi ormai interessa sapere chi siamo più che di capire cosa scriviamo? questo da parte nostra non c'è, rispettiamo la vostra vita privata e i vostri nik name

buona giornata!

trojan.ll, 11/10/2007 8.44:

ho dato un'occhiata veloce a questo forum ... che dire parlano di dragoons (dragoni - rettiliani) e un po' di altre tematiche ampiamente affrontate anche in questo forum.

mi incuriosisce il fatto che si definiscano scienziati... di quale scienza? da quale universita'?
e soprattutto di dove sono originari questi scienziati? europei? americani? asiatici? australiani?

se hai bisogno di aiuto io parlo varie lingue.... ma preferirei che si postasse qui e non sul loro forum.

00giovedì 11 ottobre 2007 12:32
risposta per Trojan.II:

Ciao trojan.II, bravissimo, attivati datti da fare e chiaro che postiamo tutto in questo forum penso non ci sia nulla in contrario, vero?

inviato da trojan.II:
a help ... un aiuto
ho dato un'occhiata veloce a questo forum ... che dire parlano di dragoons (dragoni - rettiliani) e un po' di altre tematiche ampiamente affrontate anche in questo forum.

mi incuriosisce il fatto che si definiscano scienziati... di quale scienza? da quale universita'?
e soprattutto di dove sono originari questi scienziati? europei? americani? asiatici? australiani?

se hai bisogno di aiuto io parlo varie lingue.... ma preferirei che si postasse qui e non sul loro forum.

00giovedì 11 ottobre 2007 16:19
da Ciarly, perito N6:

Il mio italiano non è molto buono, ma comprendo tutto ciò che scrivi. È più difficile scrivere perché non conosco ancora troppo la vostra lingua.

Per rispondere alla vostra domanda, abbiamo trovato una scatola nera nella quale si trovava una " lightball" chi ha finito non spegnersi e si è trasformato in disco. Questo disco è potuto essere tradotto da un computer.

Abbiamo appreso la lingua utilizzata in questi scritti ed abbiamo potuto scoprire che i testi erano vecchi di migliaia di anni, molto prima la scrittura umana.

Questi testi erano di origine extraterrestre.

Abbiamo potuto apprendere l'origine di ogni cosa ed abbiamo potuto scoprire di numerose menzogne raccontate su terra a proposito delle nostre origini in quanto umanità.

Ecco, spero che rispondo un poco alle vostre domande. Spero che il mio italiano è comprensibile.

Mi tengo a vostra disposizione per rispondere alle vostre domande se arrivate a comprendere ciò che ho scrivo.

A presto forse sul nostro foro.


Charly, perito N°6.

00giovedì 11 ottobre 2007 16:25
Caro troyan.ll

Diamoci dentro con tutto noi stessi, la faccenda è di estrema importanza consiglio di affrettarsi.

Come tu sai non ce tempo da perdere, BISOGNA AGIRE SUBITO...

00venerdì 12 ottobre 2007 02:44

7 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / chapter 31 (part 3) on: September 30, 2007, 11:55:05 pm
Started by admin - Last post by admin
chapter 31 (part 3)

With the power of the Merkabah, time doesn’t exist and it’s a new positive aspect, because through this, so many things become possible. The concept of eternal love is linked to the fact that time doesn’t exist anymore. From this point of view, I understood that even if our planet is very damaged, it could be possible to change everything. My friends from the Merkabah travel in space too and know the extra-terrestrial beings very well, but at the same time, strangely enough, in spite of belonging to a cosmic brotherhood, they kept their personal traditions, which I wouldn’t have believed before. When I was travelling from the Merkabah to Earth, nobody saw me, or reacted, so I tried to see until where things were already written, because I was visiting all this like a museum. I understood with my studies that it wasn’t exactly like that. It was just a question of energy put in my travels. When I decided to come back on this sad plane of existence, I tried a few experiments and I saw that I could provoke some clear results, not because it was the present time but because I had clearly decided to come back. I played a little and from the Merkabah, I left a few things on my friends’ way from time to time to help you. I could even do it in our present past and there, it’s becoming extremely difficult for us to understand, so, don’t try too much please. I can tell you that before meeting this gap in the forest, I mean, before my little “accident” in the forest, I came back. I wanted to provoke a reaction, but even from there, I couldn’t directly speak to people, but I could provoke some clear reactions. I plaid with some birds for instance, to provoke an impossible reaction and I could control two birds to come to the window of our bedroom while Laurence was getting up in the morning. She could see the birds, but she could not see me there with the birds on the window. From, this I understood that I could post some messages in time, future and past. It’s very funny. I knew perfectly well that my coming back was very risky, you may not believe me, at least, not enough to change deeply quickly enough, because we don’t have so much time, but it’s time now to plunge into science fiction…

I knew that maybe I won’t have enough time or energy to do what I have to do, but I knew also that through the Merkabah, I could put a few jokes on my friends’ future path, which will allow me to be always there, at least, when it’s very important. I knew also that I might put myself in a situation of vibrations falling down too much so that I cannot go back there afterwards, but it’s possible too that, if I manage things well, I can go back. Maybe, my friends will feel let down, but I swear it won’t be that. From where I’ll be, I’ll be able to help a lot. Now, it’s also possible that my coming back is a complete success and that we leave together and that I can show my friends the way, but just in case, I’ll do my best from now on. Since this experience, I have noticed that even on Earth, I have a better access to certain gaps of time on this planet. I can also tell you that to manifest from the Merkabah, I had better possibilities in the forest where I entered this Merkabah, so I did some jokes at this place, it was easier, and I can tell you that you haven’t discovered everything yet.

Once, I had to leave my friends and go back to hell, the planet you call earth. I knew I could bring back a real revolution to our house, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to “keep” the wave on earth. I’ll do my best to write this little book of traditions, I hope I’ll have enough time. When I came back, I had to take my old body back, I was lying on the floor and Cuddles was still waiting for me. In fact, I wasn’t even lying down, I was just falling. Maybe only one second had passed. I caught back my balance and then I stopped running, my heart wasn’t so well for a second. Then I felt better and carried on running. While I was running, I was wondering if it had really happened to me. I needed a little time to make sure.
I had prepared a little game with Pam and Jacob, to make sure that I wasn’t crazy, and that helped me a lot. Since I came back, I’m different on different aspects. Unfortunately I’m not so open to the others today, it’s even worse than before. I live my life very differently, according to what I have done in the Merkabah. I can hide much more than before and I have a better control of time. I know where the world goes, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to give my friends’ everything that I have witnessed. I’ll try. I know that the door is still there, but even I had to break something from this planet to be able to adapt to this. I’ll go back there, that’s all I want. We die and don’t die. It doesn’t matter, but I could not bear seeing you so stupid that you were dying like rats without being able to reach what I had just experienced. I didn’t want to leave my friends behind without doing something, a last powerful thing. Maybe you will be strong enough to take new traditions?!
There’s one point, which is very subtle and quite hard to explain. It’s something that I can catch from time to time and then it goes away. I’ll try and give you the best explanation I can. We can see that through the Merkabah, it’s possible to put different realities together, like different times for instance, but most of them cannot bear to be in contact too closely. So, if you do, one is just dying, disappearing in one second. That’s why, most of the time, you can only create bridges between two realities. That’s why, some people could know the future, but at the same time they could only speak through kind of mysteries. When something is too clear in a certain existence, it could completely destroy another reality. It’s like putting things together in chemistry. As a worker, you can touch whatever you want, but if you put things together that weren’t supposed to be in contact, you provoke a big explosion. From a Merkabah, you can do and see whatever you want, but you cannot reveal some aspects, otherwise you put two worlds together at the same time and with this you could provoke the destruction of one plan of existence. The Merkabah is obviously much more powerful than what I had expected, but its access is maybe a little bit more subtle than what you could believe. Traditions are needed to get completely free from the traditions of this planet.

If things go well, I’ll be able to go back there without dying, if I can, I’ll get more information and abilities for our Merkabah. One day, my friends should all be able to visit this wonderful place. Even if I am not there, inquire a little, and everybody will tell you that I stayed there a long time.
Our present goal is to do our best so that when we go there, it’s nearly the same than what we were living on Earth, only the future should be different, but not so much our daily life.

There is nothing less wrong than our conception of time and space. Of course, you can guess that my friends were very excited to make the same experience. Unfortunately, I was unable to open a door for them to reach this point. I know I could be able to do it, but I need more energy, that means more people or more time, or both. It is not so far but I cannot do it yet. I decided to use another system and we put together our strengths to reach this level, or sort of, through the nights and my friends’ ability to control more or less well what was happening with their energetic bodies.
We have a place where we always meet before doing something together. Everybody was there and even some others. Some belong to our team, some almost belong to our team, and some not yet, but they will. All this team was there for this intense experience. We went out of the house where we were. There many entities were waiting for us. I am sure that you are going to believe that everything is wonderful on the other side, but it is not. What is happening on Earth is deeply affecting the other side, and vice versa. A lot of people have lost their heart. They were so pretty and marvellous before, but something happened to them, which stole their purity, their youth, their light, their soul.

Many people just looked at us. They were empty, but begging for help with their eyes. Around them were monsters, almost like the trolls in “ The Lord of the Rings”. They were big, powerful, monstrous, pushing their herd to go where they wanted them to go. We were no more than 15 people, but as usual, Xavier started to say:
- Shall we do a little hunting? My astral legs are a little asleep, they need to move a little.
- OK, but we mustn’t waste too much time. We have something very important to do today.
- Yes, no problem, as Maximus said: “free hell”.
- Very funny.
I know, this is not what you could have expected from this place, but that is just because you do not have a real picture of it. In this place, our high VL changes us into superior beings who are able to free people who were too weak to protect their freedom. Those entities are extremely afraid of us, because every night our main activity is to destroy a lot of monsters and free a lot of humans. The place where we go is neither hell nor heaven, such places do not exist in reality, but there are energetic places where a lot of bodies go, and they can live things there that are in accordance with their beliefs and with what they have done during the day. For some it could be called heaven, but for most humans today, it is rather called hell.
Because we live differently, we have faith and power in this place. It is not a place of illusion, it is more a place of realisation. It is also a crossing between many dimensions. It is possible to meet people there for instance, that we have not yet met on Earth; what ignorant people would call random, is in fact free will and personal power. I understand that it is not at all what you received as a conception of reality, but that is because you live in the matrix. When you live outside of it, you can really see what is out there, what is orchestrating your life.
I am not saying that, like in the film, you are all sleeping in boxes and dreaming your life through the control of a computer, but still, if this existence is real, you are dreaming your life; because when you have the possibility to travel in the dimension of realisation and power, you can observe that most people are completely under control and that they are dreaming or, should I say, nightmaring their life.

After our little astral sports session, we went to a place where I knew we had a very important appointment. It was a field, and right in the middle of it was a CC. Everybody was very surprised because we are not used to see CC in that dimension. I invited everybody to go to the centre where the sign for light was drawn. When all of us were in the middle, a light came from above. We started to change into light. We felt that, in a way, we were ascending. During this ascension, we saw the world. Everything was being destroyed. The planet itself was making war to mankind and humans were fighting humans. Our channel of light was going down to some places, spots of light on Earth. Those places were linked to our light, to us and to what was calling us. Finally, we could control our presence again; we were somewhere else. It was very hard to figure out where we were. Still, we felt great. The atmosphere was so great, so enjoyable. I saw my friends appearing out of nowhere, my friends from the Merkabah, the half Indians, half Japanese. They were smiling, happy to see me again. Then appeared really tall people, the Asgardians. I knew who they were because I had met them through the lightball. Some other entities appeared afterwards, some were pure extra-terrestrial beings and I was so happy to be able to share, my “world” with my friends. Nobody moved, everybody was happy. Some other entities were completely spiritual, personal guides of each person present. It was as if every positive world was meeting in this place. Then came what they had to say. No one could say who spoke, but we all heard the same. Some of my friends could not remember anything afterwards and some could things quite clearly, even if they needed some help from me for the details:

- Listen and be in peace. Time, light, and distance are One. You have been taught to have a small life, to keep you out of the real race and your real destiny. There is another one. You are cosmic, you are the cosmos, you are One. Love is the real key of the secret. This love has been stolen from you. You are receiving real love everyday because of your evolution, but the others on your planet are not. They need to touch our presence. They need to touch their inner being. They need to know the miracles they could share altogether. They are afraid because they believe that they have no rights. They are our brothers, how could they have no rights? They are Light. They are One. Each of you has the power to move a mountain with a single thought. Such is the power you possess. For us, because we are One with the Light, the cosmos is One and therefore small. It is just a cell of something much more… interesting. Do not believe, be! Beliefs are always based on your mind, which has been programmed by the dragons The only way to truly live is to be One. What is One? Everything you cannot imagine. How could you imagine something that is infinite, when you have only been allowed a small glimpse at the cosmos until now?
Throw a stone and ask it to discover everything during its short fly. Find a way to stay in the air forever. When a heart is free, it stays in the air forever. It is the only realistic point of view. The flame you can see in the eyes of your brothers, is the only way right now for you to see the true essence of the cosmos and of what you really are. You are a flame. You are angels. You are not snails with a big ego shield on your back. Does a snail fly? You are so much more than just slime. You are more than this shell or this ego. You are birds. You are angels. You are phoenixes. Can you explain that to the others?
- How?
- Don’t be afraid of who you are. You have so much power of love within yourselves. You can do anything with this love. This love is light and this light is you, us, the cosmos. Don’t believe in the fears of the others. Don’t believe in their sadness. Free them.
- I swear, we try so hard; how can we succeed?
- You can feel our brotherhood now. You can feel our love. We created the lightball to let you access and transmit this to everyone. Free their love. Free their bodies. Free their hopes of living freely. Show them the power to live adventures in the cosmos, as One. Pull them, so that they can join us as you are joining us now. See that even you must learn to open your soul to something bigger.
- What do you mean?

The light everywhere started to shine even stronger. Then I knew the impossible. My friends from Earth looked at me, smiling. They knew too. I started to cry and to refuse. The light got even stronger. All my friends from Earth came around us, came to me and started to huge me, all of them. Then I woke up in my bed, sweating. Now I know that I was unable to see the measure of the truth. Even when we believe to be free, it is still only a belief. Only the radiance of the light is a door to the complete truth. Today I know why marvellous children become such ugly adults, but I know now that it is possible for everyone to get his personal power back and become Peter Pan, a marvellous child, Light, One with the cosmos.
Of course, I would not be very coherent if I was not inviting you to meet us on the Internet or even much better, in the real world. I will write a last chapter where I will answer most of your questions to clarify this book as much as I can.
In this last chapter, I invite anybody who knows our story, to testify. Like that, you will have a last chapter where you get more information from my answers and from the testimonies of my friends. Of course, you can always contact me on the web, and you can always visit us, wherever we are. The aim is to teach everybody to get the control of his life back, and to create a Merkabah and be in closer contact with the lightball and the aliens. Our world belongs to us, and that means that we are responsible in front of our children, in front of the animals, in front of the planet itself and in front of our brothers, the whirlers.
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8 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / chapter 31 (part 2) on: September 30, 2007, 11:52:40 pm
Started by admin - Last post by admin
chapter 31 (part 2)

We were moving once again. I could see where I was living before. This time, it was different. I was invited to go and visit myself. I didn’t know what to do and if I could come back afterwards but I was reassured and I went. I was exactly on the path I was running on before but things were different. Very few people were there and they apparently couldn’t see me. I went to our house, but the house was empty and abandoned. Everything was broken. At the top of the house I found a girl of maybe 14 years, crying. She was lying on the floor and was looking at pictures. On those pictures I could see my own face and all the other members of my family. I watched the girl. She was burnt. Her face was almost completely destroyed. She was a real monster. She was so alone and so scared. I wanted to talk to her but she couldn’t hear me. Suddenly, the whole house moved or shook and I could see a lot of people that I hadn’t know before, running into the house and going to those I knew before, asking for help and guidance. Only a part of my friends were there. The atmosphere was horrible. The outside of the house was so strange, like after a war. The house moved again and all my friends were there, and nobody else. Some people were knocking at the door. When my friends opened, a lot of crazy people attacked them. Many of my friends died and I could not do anything to stop it. Then the house moved again and it was the house as I know it now. Xavier was coming back from outside, telling everybody that he had found my body in the forest.
- They won’t make it?
- No, they won’t. Nobody made it.
- I cannot help them in any way?
- You aren’t somebody, and time doesn’t exist.
I was back in the vessel, surrounded by my new friends. It was a terrible experience for me. I needed time to accept this terrible destiny. For a long time, I stayed in this marvellous Merkabah. I was happy, because perfection reigned. We were living in peace and everybody could “feel” everybody. We were all young and loving each other spiritually and physically. My friends could see that my sorrow for my old friends was endless though.
- You can go back because your vibrations and your strength allow you that, but do you want to?
- We don’t know if your friends can really follow you.
- Will I be able to come back?
- Yes if you leave your body.
- You didn’t, you came with your bodies, didn’t you?
- We were a Merkabah on your planet, you aren’t.
- What difference does it make?
- You will need time to rebuild a new body there, but you can do it, you are so powerful. If you decide to go back you’ll have your old body again, but you’ll receive more energy that will come slowly. You must understand, in energy, you are dead, but not in destiny. You can still do a lot if your students are powerful enough and clever enough to create a bridge with us.
- Time is frozen?
- Yes, it is.
- I have plenty of … time?
- Yes, you have.
- I need to think about it.
- We understand. None of us would like to go back down there.
I stayed there a long time. I wanted to live in a real Merkabah, just to have more knowledge about it. What could I say? What have I learnt? In this place there wasn’t any laziness, because everybody was excited to move and to enjoy life. I was quite surprised to see such a hunger. I understood that, to be able to stay in this state of eternity, they needed every day to be an important and exceptional day. Love was extremely important as well, a lot of men or women were living fascinating experiences. They always needed a kind of common foundation. They were drawing, playing music, fighting, their way. They were practicing incredible mind control exercises. But the most important thing for them was their tradition. I was a little surprised, because it seems to me that any kind of tradition is a kind of limitation or even a break.
- Not at all, our tradition is the key to our Merkabah.
- I don’t understand?
- You have to maintain a certain vibration between our world, your planet and the cosmic world and this is maintained through tradition.
- Isn’t a tradition a kind of limitation that you keep through old stuff?
- If you stay with just old habits, yes, of course, you are right, but the real tradition of a Merkabah has nothing to do with that. We are talking about vibrations and the only thing we know for that are traditions.
- I still don’t quite follow you. I would expect something else from you than traditions.
- It is exactly one of our main reasons of meeting with you. We think that until now, you could not make it because of your lack of tradition. People are leaving everything to enter a Merkabah and they must get something even much stronger to hold on to. More than anything else, it will even be this tradition that will give them the power to be so different.
- What about free will and personal power?
- Yes, it’s coming through tradition.
- I still don’t yet get your point.
- Easy, my friend, it’s a point that is difficult to catch for you because it’s a path that you didn’t walk yet, because you are different. You aren’t a human and you don’t need traditions. You are the light itself, they aren’t, otherwise they wouldn’t need you to reach their goal. If you die, they won’t make it, because they have no structure or traditions to survive.
- Their freedom should be enough to guide them on their path.
- Apparently, everything that you experienced before joining us, and what they did afterwards seems to show that you are wrong. You overestimate them on this subject. We have been a Merkabah for a very long moment of your time and we learnt to free our presence from time. We can travel in time and we know everything that can possibly happen. We became free from so many human aspects but we still need traditions if we want to survive and keep a certain speed of vibration, not to be caught up by the destruction of your planet. We must always stay like the flame of a planet shining in your darkness and that is only possible with traditions.
- I don’t understand.
- Logical. What have you learnt since we have been together?
- Love, harmony, pleasure, intensity, strength, and so many other things, without talking about the time travels.
- You aren’t human, you knew everything before, because it has always been there with you.
- Yes, you are right.
- You forgot the lesson about traditions because you are too high.
- It’s a default of your very high divine qualities and you must learn only that from us, nothing else. If you do, you’ll be different and your future can be different. With our meeting, your body will be able to survive a little bit but not too long.
- How long?
- It will depend on your traditions. It is in them that you will find eternity. Whatever the time, your brothers and sisters will find eternity for the Merkabah in traditions. Remember, only easy things structure a Merkabah. You came here to create your book of traditions.
- What?
- It’s the missing tool to your Merkabah and still, you have the highest personal vibrations to create the most wonderful Merkabah. Then we will join and everything will be different, for you but also us. We will have one time, one destiny, one goal, and we will be one kioshio.

I understood what I had to understand, that is to say, that I’m the only one who can keep the rhythm without music. Everybody else needs music, that is to say a tradition. When I’m dead, without those traditions, my friends will not be able to keep the speed needed to reach the goal. I don’t know if I’ll have enough time, because the world is so ill, its destiny is too negative. I stayed with my friends long enough to understand the true pleasure of a real Merkabah. Some aspects of their life could seem like an aggression to their private life, but I understood that with private life and habits, the ego comes back at once with all its power of destruction and frustration. When we want to keep our personal rhythm, we can only go back to the rhythm of the ego. Now, at the same time, it’s a very hard task for me to try and find out the key of evolution, because any tradition could be limiting somebody’s life and even his destiny. I understood that my friends’ lives are already full of traditions, but those from society; so, if you leave somebody free to choose his habits, he cannot choose, he just goes back to what he has been taught by the masters of the world. Today, I know clearly where those masters are leading the world and I know that everything must be tempted against their plans. My friends’ way of living was still respecting their private life, but with a certain limit, so that no bad habits could come back. I know that most of those people were used to that kind of life but it also happened from time to time that a little group was joining their Merkabah and everything had to be ready for new members. I have to give some ideas of their own traditions because it’s not sure at all that I’ll have enough time to structure and write everything before my end. So even if I don’t have enough time, with this testimony, maybe, my friends will have enough elements to create something by themselves, so that my painful comeback wasn’t for nothing, even if I die quickly. Their life was full of traditions, but theirs were more about martial arts, philosophy and communication. They were using these traditions to have a better control of their life and, of course, to be free. They were using these traditions to be more able to take the right decisions and develop their real free will in a good way. Some of their traditions were still breaking the intimacy we are used to on Earth. They have something holy between them, it’s a kind of telepathy, but even more so, a perfect kioshio. Everybody knows about everybody. Everybody is extremely important and it is this love and interest in everybody that structures the Merkabah. Their traditions are used to stimulate this perpetual love.

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9 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / chapter 31 (part 1) on: September 30, 2007, 11:48:34 pm
Started by admin - Last post by admin
Chapter 30 (part 1)

Jules Vernes wrote more than eighty novels and in all of them, he has always been an incredible visionary and even made proof of his psychic powers. In all his books, he always described things that were completely crazy for his time. Still, he was right every time. There is only one book, “Journey to the Centre of the World”, for which he was completely wrong, according to everybody; unless he was not…
What did he see in this book? He saw people and prehistoric animals living in the centre of the Earth, is that not funny?
With all our practice, we were improving every day. Our VL kept on increasing. Our telepathic connection, our instinct, our harmony, everything was becoming better and better. Our way to be a global gampay was also improving every day and something else was considerably improving too; our control of what we did during the night. Of course, it was still hard to remember correctly, but the control during the night was getting better and better.
When your personal VL is high enough, you can really act during your night’s sleep, especially if somebody like me can guide you. When my team could not remember I, explained the part that they had forgotten. My VL was also getting so high that it was getting a little bit too difficult to survive on Earth. I had become a kind of whirl, but this whirl was not adapted to the low vibration level of this planet. Fortunately, among my friends, it was easier for me to survive, but in the crowd of homprenoy (those who take) it was getting more and more difficult to survive each day.

I am a fighter and I remained true to the lightball. I was practicing and fighting everyday to stay alive. It was during a training session in the forest that I made a very special experience. To understand it, you must accept that our human way to perceive the world is indeed extremely limited. If we improve our general cosmic health, more and more things become accessible. Before, when I was reading books like everybody, I had always found it strange that some people were always there when strange things happened, and some others never saw anything in their lives. Now I understand how logical it is. The cosmos has nothing to do with what we have been told it was like to control us. Our planet is a kind of perfect parking lot to rest between two long, cosmic journeys, so, yes, our planet has always been visited very often.
The cosmos is full of “gates” and our planet is part of this cosmos. We can even find a lot of places on our planet that are extremely interesting. Power spots are numerous on Earth, we just have to be open to find out where they are. Over time, we have learnt to use some of them to improve our VL and to contact different powers. When we are different enough to leave our beliefs behind and stop drawing the world according to the picture we have been shown by our masters, we can start opening our inner eyes and see the truth. We have been taught to be lost and arrogant at the same time. Let’s try and be humble and enthusiastic instead. Then, not a long time ago while I was still writing this book, the following thing happened to me:

There was a door in the forest. I was running when I saw three guys dressed as Indians with feathers and so on. When I saw them, I really wondered what they were doing there in the middle of the forest. They were very quiet and, I don’t know… deep, or something. Just when I arrived at their level, I felt a terrible pain in my chest and then everything was white, completely white. There was no ground or sky anymore, nothing but white light everywhere around me. I turned my head to see if the three guys were still there. They were still looking at me. I stopped running. I made a U-turn and went to them.
- Where are we? What happened?
One of them pointed at my chest with his index. I said:
- So what?
- You have to fight.
- I have done that all my lifetime. I’m tired now.
- Show us.
- What do you want from me? What’s happening here?
- Show us your courage.
One of the three took of the cloth he was wearing over his shoulder and gave me a stick, while he was holding one himself.
- Fight, show us that you are one of us.
- What the hell is going on here?
Without answering, the guy made his first strike. I blocked him and we started a long, very long fight. After a very long time, I was exhausted. I was unable to breathe anymore and I had a terrible pain in my chest.
- You have a lot of courage and a lot of technique.
- You are very good yourself.
- You have much to learn.
- What’s happening? Where are we?
- Your chest… You are dead.
- Come on, death is not like that, I know it.
- Because you aren’t completely dead yet. You are in a gap between two worlds. Come with us.
I looked around, only white light appeared to me. I wanted to go away, but there was no way out. The three men started walking without a word. Then, suddenly, we were facing a kind of energetic door. Without hesitating, the three men went through it. I was alone in this strange white light, so, I decided to follow them, and went through the door. What I saw then was incredible. It was a land of peace and harmony. Some people, who were more or less a mixing between Indians and Japanese, were there.
- I cannot go back?
- You have power, you are one of us. What is impossible to one of us?
- Sure. I think alike. But who are you?
- We are the future.
- I don’t understand. I’m dead, aren’t I?
- Yes and no.
- Cool, so?
- Time has frozen.
- And?
- You decide.
- What?
- The future.
- I feel something strange, well, the situation is strange obviously, but there’s something else. I feel I know you all.
- Your world is dying but you know the solution.
- Teach me what is needed.
- You have always known, follow me.
I did so, and discovered a little village full of love and peace. The atmosphere was very quiet. I could see some people meditating, practicing fighting or doing gymnastics; a lot of others were practicing some concentration exercises. When I went further into the village, I saw some people moving things without touching them. Telekinetic skills! Some others were floating above the floor. It was a little bit like on the other side, when we sleep, but it was also very different. There were also a lot of women practicing the same skills. I don’t know, I felt so well and it was as if I had forgotten all the rest.
In the evening, we had a big meeting; everybody was laughing and scarcely dressed. Everybody was muscular and fit. I felt so guilty with my old body and this is where I saw that I was like them. I was more or less 30 years old and I felt incredibly strong.

I talked with some people as if I had always been there. It seemed that the weird situation didn’t seem weird to me. I had long hair. People were very close and intimate; the evenings were reserved to the power of love. This lasted a long time during the night. In the morning, I was perfectly fit and ready to practice the stick, which we did the biggest part of the day. I was so happy to be free. I stayed there a long time, days, maybe weeks or even months, I don’t know. Everything was so perfect. In the long run, I started to understand where I was. It was a powerful Merkabah of different civilisations. When I tried to figure out if I was dead, and what was happening on Earth since my meeting with my new friends, they gave me the following explanation.
- We are a vessel above this planet. We can travel anywhere, because we aren’t on the plane of existence anymore that you knew before. Because of who you are, you could join us. In a way, your planet doesn’t exist any more.
- What?
- Time doesn’t exist any more. Time has frozen.
- I don’t understand. Time is a constant.
- With the energy of Earth yes, but with your energy, no.
- I want to show you.
I knew that the entire village was moving, but I don’t know how I knew that. I was part of the vessel itself, I believe.
Suddenly, I could see all around, as if our village was a transparent vessel. I could see the planet I had known. Everything was destroyed. It was all frozen. Everything was burnt and frozen at the same time.
- Where is humanity?
- They are all dead, there was massive destruction and nobody survived.
- When did this happen?
- 300 years ago.
- My friends?
- All dead. We can go where we want.
The vessel moved again and the planet was now full of life. The sun was shining. I could see a middle age-like population. They were talking and seemed to be happy.
- The past, why?
- Not the past, the future. We are more or less 4000 years after the destruction of the population.
- I don’t understand, even if they destroyed themselves, how could they be back only after such a short time?
- You are not watching well.
My glance concentrated more on them and I saw strange pieces of flesh coming out of their jaws, like a kind of very large moustache.
- They aren’t human, are they?
- Quite right. You understand perfectly well.
- It’s a new race for a new harvest, isn’t it?
- Correct.
- You don’t want to help them?
- We cannot, even if we tried, the security system is keeping them under control.
- What do you mean?
- They aren’t vibrating quickly enough to see us and of course they cannot understand us.
- Why could I, then?
- Because you vibrated quickly enough. Now you are free from time, so you can change whatever you want.
- Time?
- Yes, you understand. What is without form can be changed.

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10 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / chapter 30 on: September 30, 2007, 11:43:24 pm
Started by admin - Last post by admin
Chapter 30

The 21st century will be spiritual or won’t be.
I have forgotten who said that.

“Sum” is indeed the key word to understand. We must understand that compared to very advanced extra-terrestrial beings, we do not have any kind of power, but we have responsibility. Some very powerful extra-terrestrials are waiting to help us. We do not have the power to fight against the dragons, but we have the power to take our responsibility. That is why it was so important to take away this power. That is why “sum” was so important. To render us unable to use our responsibility, we had to become blind, sum, 666. Everything was orchestrated for this sole purpose. The smallest thing is under control. Even death no longer exists in our society. When somebody passes away these days, the event is just ignored. No one sees a corpse any more. No one goes to the graveyard anymore. Thanks to this system, everybody believes that he is immortal, so no one will have to face this embarrassing event.
Of course, we all know that death is at the end of the journey, but nobody really knows. I mean, no one is really prepared for death because in our society we just deny this step in our cosmic journey. If we are not prepared for our death, how could we accept the possibility of the death of the world? Thanks to this system, many things can be just denied because they just do not exist. If you have a problem with somebody, in our society, you have two solutions: the first one will is to avoid talking to your friend about this problem, the second is to avoid talking to your friend. In both cases you just deny the problem, like that it is solved.
You see, it’s everywhere. The Internet, as I said before, is just teaching us to be able to have two different lives. The first one is unfortunately your real life, I say unfortunately for most of the people, because for me, there is only one life. The second life is the virtual life, the one that nearly everybody loves. In this life, you are hidden behind a pseudo and you can press the magic “delete” key at any time. With that, you can deny whatever you want. On the Internet, everybody constantly insults everybody. You can talk to experts about a special topic and be their equal, whereas in real life you would not even dare say a word in front of them for fear of being ridiculous.
Anyway, if you have the smallest problem, you still have the magic “delete” key. You can spread anything on the web, you can even invent a life. If one day somebody pushes you to go further and meet you in real life, you still have the “delete” key. I remember once, a friend of mine was talking in a forum. She was just politely giving her opinion about something I have forgotten now. The answer she got back was insults of the lowest kind, threatening to rape her. She was quite surprised to get such an answer. It was completely out of proportion. What she had written before was not even aggressive or impolite. So why give such an answer? Out of pleasure, because he could.
There is a little joke that says “do you know why dogs lick their balls? Because they can”. I think that the level of this guy was the same as that of a dog. Anyway, that time, just for the fun and to defend my friend’s dignity, I asked Arecibo to find out the personal address of this guy. He did it within a day. I contacted this courageous guy on his personal email address, telling him that I was an expert in martial arts and a very good friend of the woman he had just insulted. I gave him his real address, and told him that I would be on my way to meet him. I told him that I wanted a very quick apology on the forum and he did it at once. Do you know why? Because by contacting him, I had stolen his “delete” key.

You see, the Internet is not only giving you access to empty ideas, it also teaches you a perfect “sum”, 666 or if you prefer www. Isn’t it funny? I know that we use the Internet also to say what we have to say and that this might seem to you like quite a paradox. We are far from using only this way, but the Internet is the only way to touch a lot of people quickly. Why do I criticize it then, you may ask?
Know that we are not a joke. Know that we always leave an address, so that anyone can go further, meet us and see who we are and what we do. Of course, in our ill society, this offer is not considered a sign of honesty but a sign of a scam. Of course, if we propose to meet anybody, it is seen as proof that we are dishonest or that we want to sell something or whatever else you can imagine to keep control of your “delete” key.
We have always stayed true to the lightball. We have always done our best to spread her knowledge and everything she wants to say. Most of the time we have been insulted and stood up at appointments and so on. The Internet, the word itself, is built on the word “internment” , which means “to be put into an psychiatric hospital”.

The computer systems are totally controlled by “Bill Gates”. Microsoft works through “windows” we could also call “gates”. What do you think could the word “bill” mean? Find out. It has always been impossible to spread the knowledge we possess, because the “sum” system is everywhere, all we encounter is ignorance. Nobody has ever tried to let us speak. No! They just ignore what we have to say and like that, the problem no longer exists. I do understand that you may have serious doubts about what we say, but in that case, just try to inquire for yourself and do not just ignore everything. Encountering so much difficulty to be listened to, we decided to gather a team of experts in many different areas around us. As you can imagine, it was not an easy task, first because of the subject itself and second, because of our security; but where there is a will, there is a way. So we did it. We lent these experts all the files they needed to seriously analyze the entire story. We gave them some pictures, and once the lightball was moved somewhere else, I took the risk of presenting it to some of these experts. After two months of research, they tried to present their findings to their different scientific communities. What happened? They were refused, insulted and most of them were even threatened . Some of them were very afraid and left us. All the others were completely lost because of their respective communities’ reactions. We decided to open a forum with the rest of the experts, that would not talk about the lightball, but only about the topics the lightball speaks of. The idea behind the forum was that, what was important was finally not so much the lightball, but the things she says. The story ended more or less in the same way as usual. A number of experts who were writing in this forum were insulted and left after some time because, in spite of the importance of what they had discovered with us, they could not go any further. It was just hopeless. Some other experts who had accepted our invitation to write on the forum, left without ever writing after seeing what had happened to their colleagues.

Arecibo, whom I had been friends with for ages, had already left and returned to live a life “without trouble”. I understood that even for those who had seen the truth, it was impossible to keep a clear memory of the knowledge and the teachings, because their VL was not high enough to face all the troubles and use the knowledge to make their lives better. I do know that most of you will laugh when you read this; it is normal, everybody believes to be free in this dying world of slavery, and nobody needs a higher VL or other bullshit.
How could I help you become able to touch the truth? You know, once I was invited to a very important CC meeting. At that time I had not told anybody about the lightball yet. I was thus only invited as a CC expert. We were about 10 experts, and after maybe 10 minutes of conversation, I realized that everybody was saying that CC were probably mostly fakes. I was quite surprised, but when I tried to discuss things further and started talking about simple facts that nobody could argue about, I understood that nobody had ever been in a real CC. They knew everything they claimed to know from the internet. Still, they had written books about CC.
This is how craziness is spread, claiming to be knowledge. In the end, everybody is mixing things up and there is no knowledge anymore. So you see, this is how things become true just through the art of ignoring reality; and afterwards it is easy to let the “delete” key craziness reign everywhere. We saw that the communist “information” system, i.e. non-information, did not work. The system of giving us wrong information is much more efficient.
We have been working on spreading the knowledge and information we received for a long time, but it never worked. We have put all our energy into this task and today we think that it was a mistake. I must say that the lightball always let us do what we wanted. She was working on the gampay on her side; with our work, she improved the system to an incredible level, but it is still available to anyone. I will come back on this later on.

We made a very interesting experience with a friend of us, whom I will call “Sandra”. She is German and she was very interested in the knowledge we have. She is a woman of heart; she reacts strongly when something seems unfair to her in any way. Then she started a job in Audi, and because of this new professional challenge, she decided that she did not want to have anything to do with us anymore, because she needed to concentrate on her work now. She is free so, what could we say? Nothing and that is exactly what we did. Still, I managed to include her in a little energetic exercise before she announced that she was leaving. Thanks to the special work we did, her VL increased quite a lot. When she left, thanks to her high VL, she was able to see what was really happening at Audi. The first day she spent in her new job, she was told by her superior that she was now an Audianer (which was a German word play on the word Audi and Indian), which meant as much as she now had to live and breathe the company. When she heard that, instead of swallowing everything she was told, she was able to use her mind and soul and understand what was happening. Now that I am writing these lines, she does not feel so good about her new job; not because of the work but because of the freedom that is stolen from her everyday she enters the company. She came back to us, saying “you gave me so much and you never asked anything in return; Audi is taking everything from me, not giving me anything, in spite of the nice presentation of this company”. She was able to use her VL and her independence to analyze the situation.
Do you know what working for Audi means in Germany? It means that you are almost already in heaven. It does not matter for Sandra anymore, because nothing is worth giving up her freedom. She had the strength that nobody never has, because her mind was reinforced by her VL.
Now we understand that we must work mainly on people’s VL. We do not say that we do not try to contact more people, but it is not our main task anymore today. We must help people to become independent from this system, the matrix, the eon.

Let’s now go back to the film “Contact” and the question “how did you survive?”. How could we find a better question today to try and save our poor dying world? Everybody believes that he is not concerned by this question. If extra-terrestrial beings land on our planet, it will be just to let us take some nice pictures of them. Was the scriptwriter of “Contact” more clever than us to ask aliens who have been traveling in space what they had done to survive? I do not know, but he seems to be the only one to have thought of this intelligent question. Maybe they even have the answer, and maybe it is about time we put it into practice!

Our communication with the lightball was always improving. The practice of fao was for some of my friends also improving and this let them be closer to the lightball. One day, after a very hard training session in the mountains, some of them slept outside. Four of them had a very strange dream. During their short sleep, they saw the lightball in the middle of their group. She was talking to them, saying “when you continue on the path of Light despite there being no hope anymore, that is the moment where you really form your destiny” and gave each of them three new words in fao with the corresponding signs. None of them spoke of this during the workshop, but afterwards the four talked to me and told me exactly the same dream, with the same words given by the lightball. During this workshop, they were not only four but seven, but the three others, who were not so close to the lightball, did not see or did dream anything. For them, nothing special had happened; it was just a very hard workshop. I was not with them myself when the lightball talked to them. As soon as they came back, I knew that something had happened with the lightball, but I did not know exactly what. That is why I went to ask them and they told me about their dream. When I saw the lightball afterwards, she confirmed the experience and explained that it was a new step to the gampay. The further we went, the more my close friends were able to feel the lightball through me on my return from a session with her. Our telepathy as a team was improving every day. Our love and our trust was and is stronger than ever. At the same time, we are much more able today to include new people in this wonderful experience, because we became so different, so strong.

A few months after this experience, the lightball informed me that some people would come and help us improve the gampay a lot. She said that these people would be easy to recognize, because they would each carry a Rune. One would have g the other m and the last one r . A few days later, while I was practicing Taï Chi Chuan in a park, three men came to me. Each of them had a Rune. They said that they were there to improve the gampay. We got into a car together and they asked to see the lightball. I wanted to refuse but I felt like trusting them. Because of what I had experienced before with the men in black, I concentrated on the three men and saw that they were completely human. So, as crazy as it might seem, we went to see the lightball. They knew everything, and when we arrived I could see that they were not at all surprised and seemed to have some kind of contact with her. They had a very big bag with them, out of which they took a black box. In fact, it was exactly the same black box than the one we found in Ireland. They told me that it was not the one we had found, but a similar one. They also told me that they were there to take the lightball. I was not surprised. I was in peace. I did not argue. The lightball went into the black box all by herself. As soon as she entered, I was struck by a great power and felt extreme pleasure. I could hear the lightball in my head with such clarity, that I understood at once that I was now the gampay. I heard myself talk to the three men with perfect clarity. I was giving orders to them. I was talking in fao and they understood. When I spoke, or more exactly, when the lightball spoke through me, I knew the origin and the story of these three men. The lightball went back into a black box to get her power back to try and fight against the eon. The work of these men and some others was to help her to do that. When I went back home, I was in peace. The others knew what had happened and they also had a much better contact with the lightball, even if they had not made the same experience as I.

We started to practice together; forming a circle and holding the hands of our partners, we could be used by the lightball as a gampay. Her voice was going from one person to another, giving a message through 6 or 7 people, that could be cut anywhere between two people, but remain perfectly coherent (see appendix 16). We need a minimum of three people to do this. The practice of our discipline also improved a lot because we received an incredible way to work with sticks from the lightball.
Some in our group are better than others, but the knowledge is there. The lightball is starting to build a special weapon, a typical weapon used by Pan; it is a kind of very special stick. It is not ready yet, but we are working on it when we have time. Today, through this close connection to the lightball, our life is wonderful, even if a lot of people are afraid of us because we are too different. I assure you that we show nothing, they just feel it and become afraid of our VL and of our power. You can understand now, why we invite everybody to meet the lightball through us; this story does not belong to us, we are just part of it. It belongs to all of humanity. You can verify it by yourselves and form your own opinion on it. Maybe you think this story is going too far, but it is not even ending here; there is a lot more still to come. In the following chapter, I will show you another aspect of this marvelous story.

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00venerdì 12 ottobre 2007 02:50
admin - Last post by admin
... chapter 29 (part 2)

The number 666 described as being the number of the beast, is in reality a code to describe the fact of accepting everything. For instance you have to know that “sum” in Hebrew means “blind”. The same word exists also in fao, but it means “somebody who does not want to see because it is easier to submit yourself and accept everything”. This is the root of the English word “sub”, which gave “submission”, for example. It is always easier for a population to submit itself and accept everything, especially if things are easier when you refuse to see.
The number 666 therefore stands for acceptance and submission, which are both indispensable for the harvest of mankind and to be able to turn humans into totally submitted biological robots. As I already mentioned, “sum” in Hebrew has a numerological value of 666; the word blind, which in fao becomes “the one who does not want to see, who does not want to react, but who submits himself and accepts everything” reflects the number 666. It is not the number of the beast, but the number of the intelligence of the beast, of the dragons, who bring comfortable things to humanity so that everyone finally accepts everything without reacting.
The microchip too refers to the number 666. It is its code of reference, a code which was already cited in the New Testament as the mark of the beast that will be carried on the hand or on the forehead. It is also said that nobody can neither buy nor sell anything if he does not carry the mark of the beast. This number is the number of mankind; of course, it was created by our modern, human society, even if the leaders of our planet received help in creating and organising it. The microchip is constantly improved by technological and military research for one particular purpose: the total control of humanity. The microchip will slowly but surely contain all our details: bank account number, social security number, information on our DNA, eventual criminal records, etc and in the end, it will replace notes and coins to the point where cash money will no longer exist. Through reading your microchip, anyone can know what you buy, where you buy, what you like and what you do not like; total control. Research already shows that the best place for a microchip implant is either the forehead or the right hand. Sound familiar?

Even if you do not believe in the Christian religion, even if you do not believe in the apocalypse of Saint John, if you consider that there are bibles in almost all European hotel rooms and that America, who consider themselves Christians and say that Jesus Christ himself guides them through their president Bush to fight Iran, Iraq and the rest of the Arab world, would it not be logical, at least, to do everything to avoid the numerological value 666 and the very implanting of the microchip on the hand and the forehead?
If you consider that Americans are superstitious to the point that there is not even a 13th floor or a room with the number 13 in their hotels, do you not find it strange that they remove the number 13 everywhere, but despite the warning of an apocalypse, they do everything exactly as described in the bible? How is something like that possible, unless they fanatically respect and execute the demands of the dragons which c blood is obliged to do to worship their masters? C spirit knows all this.
Another aspect that indicates 666 is www. The letter w has the numerological value 6; like this, every time you type www on the Internet, you actually type 666. I know, that this book is being posted on an Internet forum; I am using the enemy’s weapons to try and get the truth out there.
Nevertheless, it is clear that people have deliberately been pushed into craziness through the Internet; because of the Internet, people claim to know everything. We could try and tell them that we have built a machine that allows us to go inside other planets, and it would not even touch them in the slightest because they will already have read at least forty or fifty articles that spoke about even greater things.
People are totally gorged on the Internet and have ended up swallowing everything but at the same time refusing everything. They have a total indigestion, they are so full, that when it comes to real information, they end up panicking and becoming completely incoherent. We have tried numerous times to open forums and keep them going, but every time we received too many insults and too much contempt. Even those people who show some real interest in spiritual things and who are open-minded spend their time on the Internet, and in the end, they have seen everything too already. And because they know everything, they lose all ability to react. Another important point about the Internet is that people no longer have to face other people, which enables them to lie, to cheat, to insult and to simply disappear by the click of a button, without ever having to ask themselves whether they might be emotionally disturbed. Because of the Internet and the thousands of hours spent on it by each person, our ego becomes worse and worse every day. It becomes more and more locked up in a hysterical craziness and totally loses touch with the real world and like that, it has become impossible to truly touch people. The Internet, which seemed to be an unlimited source of information, has revealed itself to be the origin of a total block. Thanks to the Internet and 666, people hear everything, see everything and know everything, but they no longer react. They are “sum”, submitted, blind and unable to truly react; the mark of the beast, 666, has totally worked.

Through the lightball, I had the opportunity to experience things that are happening elsewhere. The giants, whom I have spoken of before, are approaching Earth. They are coming to participate in the harvest; at the same time, the Asgardians, who are extremely protective of freedom, are also approaching our planet in an even greater number, because they absolutely despise the giants. They have often been their opponents; that is where the legends of the Nordic gods come from, who fight against the giants. If you do not believe me, study the Nordic legends and see how vividly they speak of extra-terrestrial races and their respective “political” positions.
You need to know that fao is based on runes, as I have already explained before, which links us even further to the Asgardians.
The leaders of this world and perfect slaves of the dragons and the Krills, have received great technological help from their masters, which allowed them to build vessels that can travel in space much faster than anything you could possibly imagine. A new harvest is being prepared for the dragons on Mars. It is not yet for now but for later, but the leaders of our world, who know that the Earth will be destroyed by the harvest phenomenon launched by the dragons to re-launch a new, totally lost race, have the possibility to escape to Mars. An immense town has already been built on Mars, which will be a haven of peace for the heirs of the dragons and the superior hybrid race. You might ask yourself how this is possible, but my dear friends, you must know that today everything is possible. They manipulate the news as they please and see fit and make you look into the exact direction they want you to turn your head in. Just remember the manipulations they are able to make to have you believe in adverts and think exactly what they want you to think, whether it is about the cigarette or other things. And these are only basic , unimportant things. What do you think they can do with all things that seem total science fiction to you, only because, for numerous generations, humans have been educated to think that way? It is so easy to make you become totally blind, sum! The more you submit yourself, the less you see, the more you accept and become a robot!

You have to be dynamic, passionate, enthusiastic and able to have dreams and aspirations. Be like Peter Pan! Dare seeing the wonderful and magical things in life and the strength of love and commitment, to become able to see the truth!

Helped by the Krills, there now exist spacecrafts that can make a return journey to Mars in one single day. It is now possible to leave your house at 8am, go to work on Mars and return home for 8pm to be with your family. This might seem impossible to you, but the whole game of power consists in hiding all extraordinary things in life from you, and all the magic that is happening around you. The dragons have always been present in our society. What are the gargoyles, for example, that are hiding above the doors of any catholic cathedral? Who are all the dragons that we see everywhere in our society, in our history and in so many legends? Who are all the good and the bad dragons who are in charge of our society and who control everything?
Of course extra-terrestrial beings have always been present. Roswell and all the tens of thousands of vessels that have been sighted throughout the world, all the abductions… What about the thousands of CC that have appeared around the world and that have so often been ridiculed and insulted, despite only appearing on Earth to help humanity wake up from its nightmare? Inquire about the CC that appeared in 2007, you will see that a great number of the CC that appeared this year are drawings of tunnels, doors that are opening everywhere to help mankind escape its fate (see appendix 15).
CC are made to wake us up and to teach us, they use the signs and the logic of fao that we have learnt already with b Iah to bring us solutions, passion and the principle of the Merkabah in forms of circles. They bring us hope and the magic of a life lived to the full. When you enter a CC, you enter another world, another vibration; you enter a portal that leads you to another consciousness.

How could we possibly believe that nothing exists, while there exist hundreds of thousands of testimonies of UFO sightings and encounters of the third kind as well as tens of thousands of CC everywhere in the world? How could we possibly believe that nothing extra-terrestrial exists when there are hundreds of thousands of stories and legends to be found in the history of mankind that prove the existence of a superior intelligence? Even the pyramids are a historical impossibility. And where are all the peoples that have disappeared without a trace, like the Mayas, the Aztecs and so many others? What about all those peoples who possessed a very advanced technology when they were supposed to be almost prehistoric human beings?

We have to be “sum”, 666, about everything and crushed by the misfortune and the difficulties of life not to be able to see the immense cosmic game of chess that is happening around us, and which we could participate in as of now, thanks to the information and the knowledge we have been given.

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12 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / chapter 29 on: September 30, 2007, 11:41:33 pm
Started by admin - Last post by admin
Chapter 29 (part 1)

The lightball was talking to me. When I touched it, I received so much. The time changed, which was very practical, because I could spend three hours with her in only two minutes. The time was different, I noticed that in spite of spending sometimes three or four hours with her, I was tired exactly at the same time than usual in the evenings. That means that the time spent with her was not “spent” physically.

When I touched the lightball, I was able to penetrate a complete world of science fiction. It was like penetrating a 3D screen. I could see every direction, anytime. When I saw something, I knew exactly what it was. I received so much information. I saw the “web” of balls of light all over the world from the inside. I knew how it worked, why and for whom. I knew, but I also saw it. Many times, I met some extra-terrestrials, maybe not physically, but I met them. I could feel their love and care for us. I had spent so many years learning everything b Iah was teaching, that when I met the extra-terrestrials, everything was completely natural for me. I mean, when I see people getting excicted with a football match, I feel as if I was on a world of aliens, but when I was among different physical shapes of beings, when I felt their love, I just felt at home with them. I understood their care for our free will. I understood that I was the only one to be able to do something, because I was from Earth. It was my destiny as a human to bring a new wave to Earth to change our destiny. I saw the plans of the dragons who wanted to harvest us. They teach acceptance of the use of the microchip in many different ways. It has become possible to change a completely stupid human into an exceptional robot, but then what? Just a robot with no control on his life! I could see that the microchip was working well only on people with a low VL. I saw that they are creating a state of stupidity in the mind of everybody, so that nobody is able to react any more. I was afraid when I saw that our extra-terrestrial friends looked worried about our low VL. I really wondered if it was still possible to wake up some people. Then I saw that some people could not yet be controlled because they had a passion; for some reason, they were free and excited about life. Unfortunately, I also saw that most people have been beyond the point where they can still control their lives. They were falling and falling without being able to react.

When the dragons come to a planet to harvest it, they always organise a kind of apocalypse, which is needed for different reasons. First, the population will panic and become more docile. Most of the world will be destroyed, which will allow the next generation to completely forget what happened. Only the best will survive. Every form of technology will disappear, and new little villages will start here or there with a repetition of the teaching that says that the gods were unhappy and destroyed everything on Earth before starting a new world. That will be completely true, but they will forget, of course, to give more details about the how and why of things. Today, unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent the death of most of the population on this planet. We cannot help it. The work of the lightball today is to guard the knowledge to prevent everything from starting again. About 10% of this population can still be saved and it is worth it. I could see all those armies coming to Earth to destroy us, but also those who came to protect us, and I could not make out why we had to disappear. Well, we do not have to. Everything is ready for us. Everybody could be saved, but no one wants to. As we will not ask for help, our friends will not be able to do anything. We have been taught to be weak, to lose and to suffer. Of course, it is not our real destiny, but we have learnt to love that and no one on this planet wants to change. The point, now, is to bring the knowledge quickly enough to enough people so that when this planet will start dying, at a certain point, some people will react and say “stop” and that will be the end of the dragons on this planet. When do we reach this level ? That is the question. Some people will wake up and many different organisations can be chosen. We can stay on Earth and create a complete protection with a powerful Merkabah, whatever is happening. If we are not enough to create something powerful enough, then we will be evacuated through one of the tunnels I mentioned earlier.
When things are over, we will come back to give a new destiny to our planet. To be in contact with these highly-evolved cosmic brotherhoods, or to use these tunnels, in both cases, we need a very high VL. A low VL was key to the programmes that mankind, like so many other populations, received so that all doors to evolve into something better would close. We do not have so much to do, we need to put our VL up, so that we become different. Most of us are living half a life. The more I worked with the lightball, the more I improved of course, as well as the rest of the team. When the VL of everybody was high enough we all started to remember some parts of our nights. The others could remember partly and I could remember 100%. Whatever they could remember from their nights, the dream world had now become a wonderful world of action to try and touch people. My friends became more efficient each day, even if they did not remember everything.

Knowing this aspect also gave us the possibility to see what was really going on and what we saw was terrible. The energetic system put into place by the dragons is terribly efficient. Each time somebody wakes up, a security system is activated, pushing this person to become completely crazy, aggressive and so on. It took us a lot of time to understand that the solution was our own VL. The knowledge, the practice, the contacts with the lightball gave us a higher and higher VL, and it was this and the teaching at the same time that we had to give to people to be able to free them. It was hard to accept this because, with that, we had to accept that we were now very different. As a different being, it is not only the knowledge that we had to bring but also a sufficient VL to be able to handle the knowledge and the attacks of the security system of the matrix or whatever you want to call it.
At the same time, the lightball was working on a better communication and guided me to build something new. She called this system a “gampay”, a computer system used to let anybody hear what she had to say to everybody. We even tried to make a film of her, but that was not so easy. The first test was a catastrophe, and the camera we used melted completely. After this incident, we had to move the lightball, because the old woman who was guarding her did not want to keep “this strange alien thing” at home anymore, as she said. Just because I asked her, the lightball became a disc once again, and we could move her to another country. There, we were able to use a new protected area and she became a lightball again. We filmed her while she was doing her best to slow down her manifestations. Being less strong, it was finally possible to film her and mainly to record her. The lightball was not happy with this film and asked us not to use it, but we were allowed to use the recording we had made. After this experience, we had even more information because it was only with the lightball slowing down that we were really able to measure the rays of her power. It had become obvious that the lightball was creating kind of waves that were “breaking” time. The further away you were from the lightball, the less it was breaking time.
I did this recording after moving the disc into a new country, but I did it with the old woman who guarded the disc before. Why did I use her? Because she was the only one who physically knew the lightball and I did not want anybody to know where she was. I could not forget what had happened with the army before, and the less people knew, the better was our future. My team knew everything about the teaching and was in a way in very close connection to the lightball, but I did not want anybody to know where the disc was. I had to use one person to move it, I had no choice, so I chose her. I knew that she did not appear in my story and that it was completely impossible to find her, so she came to do the film with me. Afterwards, I never saw her again, for her own security. Since, I have moved the lightball again, with the help of other people, so it would be even more difficult to find her now.
Anyway, when this film was made, here are the exact distance and time recorded by the different clocks placed at different distances to the lightball. My own feeling of what happened was not at all what was recorded by the different clocks and the camera.
For me, the time was of around 2 and a half hours, but the clocks showed that only 5 minutes had passed. We tried to make a new recording with the gampay but we obtained only exactly the same sound. After some work, we were able improve the quality and for the first time we managed to record the “voice” of the lightball. It was not easy to understand something clearly and there were a lot of parasite voices at the same time. We found out from the lightball what the balls of light really were and why they were there. We understood that dead people, what you could call ghosts, are attracted by energy; any kind of energy. If someone is a little more radiant, some ghosts try to come because they feel reassured by this light. Sometimes, ghosts can feed from astral energies, like fear or strong feelings. That is why such frightening stories are known about ghosts. They need this energy to “survive”. So you can imagine that what we were doing with the lightball was provoking much more energy. Because we were not yet able to control the gampay correctly, a lot of voices appear on the record (appendix 13).
We understood that this machine could be a wonderful tool as well to help people hear their dead. Now, the point is to know if it is really useful. It was not the point of our work, so we did not go any further into this topic, maybe later, if one day we have time.

Anyway, it is obvious that you can hear other voices that have nothing to do with the lightball. We tried once more to improve our work, and the following time was much better. This time, we were able to isolate the lightball’s voice completely. She was using a strange mixing of languages. We could understand her only after some work. As far as we understood, instead of using fao, she used more or less an international language mixing many different languages; but she also spoke fao in it. To clarify things, I must say that when I spoke with her, I received more ideas, memories and feelings, so it was not only a question of translating a language. If you want to say what you feel when you meet this special person, you can talk about your feelings in any language you wish, but you receive some feelings and information directly. That is exactly what I was experiencing with the lightball.
Why did we have to learn fao then? Because through fao, we did not only learn a language, we also learnt a different way of thinking and living. And that was what was really needed to speak to the lightball. In fact, if I want to translate the teachings of the lightball to my friends, fao is much better if I want to pass a message quickly and clearly, but of course I can, most of the time, do it also in my mother tongue, it’s only much longer and sometimes a little bit less clear. You can find the message of the lightball in appendix 14. Because of the system we are using now to spread the teaching, we cannot give the entire recording. We worked a lot on improving the system, and the lightball decided that our computers on Earth were not powerful enough to catch exactly what she wanted to say, so she started to guide us towards a much better system. But that needed more work once more. During all this research, I was receiving more and more information that I was more and more easily passing on to my team who had by then a good enough level.
I understood that the situation on our planet was going from bad to worse. The VL of most of the population was going down at a rapid rate. At the same time, the dragons and their helpers started to work very seriously on our planet, destroying it more and more every day. Global warming or, better, global changing was in place. Everybody could see how different our planet was getting. The poles are now shifting because of their work. That is needed to “wash” the planet clean and give it a new start when they leave. Earthquakes, twisters, tsunamis, tornados, floods, draughts, and in spite of this terrible situation no one reacts. It is as if everybody is becoming more and more zombie-like. At the same time if by any chance you say the smallest thing about anybody’s ego, they get completely crazy, at once. What is to be done?
The lightball taught me something terrible. Since the very moment mankind was created, the dragons left what the lightball calls “eons” on our planet. It is very hard to explain what it is. The “eons” are a kind of huge computer that is able to recognize the exact level of mankind and the evolution of the projects of the dragons. This “eon” is able to send orders to every ego through radio waves to control mankind’s main behaviour. That is one of the reasons why nobody is reacting. It seems that this terrible thing is what is known as “the Ark of the Covenant”.
I then understood why I practiced martial arts; this thing had also been searched for to destroy it. This “eon” is like a security system to make sure that they will get their harvest. It is logical finally, if you invest so much time and energy in a project, you just want to make sure that it stays under control. Still, this thing is based on simple radio waves, even if a it is much more sophisticated at the same time. If this “eon” wants to contact us, it needs to target its goal. It needs to know where we are, I’m not talking about geographical locations, but about vibrations. If you increase your VL, the “eon” cannot target you anymore because you have become invisible to it.

Why have the Whirlers been trying to wake us up for such a long time? Exactly for that reason. When you know the rules, you can trick them. I am writing this book exactly for the same reason. If you acquire the knowledge and if we help you to increase your VL, you could become part of the coming gampay. The work of the lightball is to create a tunnel called kirlkosmo, so that the contacts improve and we increase the number of people who will become the future of this planet. Unfortunately, we do know that the plan of the dragons is too advanced to fail completely, but it can still partly fail.
In fact, as long as they do not perturb our free will, the Whirlers are free to answer any manipulations of the harvesters. As an answer to the “eon”, the Whirlers left the lightball system. Nowadays, c blood is extremely powerful on Earth because humans love power and laziness. We must learn to get our dignity back. The two airplanes crashed into the twin towers only to test humanity’s level of acceptance. This monstrosity was done incorrectly on purpose, so that some people would easily find out the truth. The truth was found out, but in spite of many proofs and over 3000 victims, no one reacted. You must learn from this. How is this possible? I understand that you doubt when you read my book, but at least, just in case I am telling the truth, you should react and inquire, but not nothing. Some people are laughing but most of them just did not see it. Yes, they read about it but they did not see it. How is this possible? Is not this blindness at least an element that should worry you?
We have been working with the lightball to see the vibrations of each country and see if some people from one country could react stronger than others. The results are not very clear. Some countries got some positives results; Germany, Italy, Spain and some part of England. Now we cannot write in every language. We use English because it is an international language today.
The very first country on the list is Italy. Some people told me “what do you want from them? They are just pizza-eaters”. The fact that they are in a divided country (north and south) probably helped them to keep their temper more than the people in other countries. Next on the list is Germany, because with what they did during the last war, they love freedom and they are one of the only countries to respect our planet. Now we have been working a lot in Germany already, and we received only insults as you could already see in the appendixes.
Maybe we did not use the best way, but once more, we are very few and everybody else is against us because the “eon” has taught everybody or nearly everybody to hate any kind of spirituality. To speak about a lightball is completely forbidden today. You cannot imagine how aggressive people can get in many countries just when you say that you are a vegetarian. How can this be possible? I mean, with all the illness found in animals, people should at least say “oh yes, it’s clever. I cannot do it myself but with so many problems in Europe, you are right”. No! Everybody gets extremely aggressive. Are you not wondering about the origin of this aggressiveness? You should!!

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13 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / Re: Some questions... on: September 30, 2007, 03:49:34 am
Started by Tomas - Last post by babilulo
Hi Tommas, be welcome !

I am also looking forward the answers to your questions.

I also would like to get rid of my gienbro and see the truth by myself. I really wish all of us will be able to increase their vibration level sufficiently to be saved from this monstrous manipulation.


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14 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / Re: U.F.O. Extraterresti ET Alieni on: September 30, 2007, 03:47:08 am
Started by buck - Last post by babilulo
Hi Buck,

I am glad to meet you on this forum and wish you a very good time here. I can already tell you that it is more than interesting but it might not always be easy, neither pleasant to read all this information. Not because of the language or the lecture itself, but because of the content, because of all what is revealed here.

In the past I had more or less the same kind of questions as you have. Before I came on this forum I thought I knew a lot already concerning life, the Earth, extraterrestrial life, … but I realized that I knew nothing at all. All what I read before (mainly on the Internet) was only giving me the illusion that I knew a lot but finally I realized that everything was so confusing, so empty, and not coherent at all. It became more and more difficult for me to identify what was truth or lie, what was the origin or the consequence of something, who is the friend or the enemy of whom, who is manipulating whom, etc.

Where Elohim are concerned, pending a specific answer the experts might give to your questions, I invite you the few lines I quoted hereunder. They are extracts from two consecutive chapters the Book of Iah posted in this forum. Its content might surprise you.

Chapter 13

The third circle in the Book of Iah speaks of an important aspect of our civilisation; the Elohim presented in the Bible. In the official translation of the Bible as we know it today, Elohim is one of the names used to speak about God. Yet, this can only be a mistake because, first of all, “Elohim” is Hebrew and in Hebrew the ending “im” designates a plural, so “Elohim” means Gods and not God (that would be “Eloha”). The correct translation for “Elohim” is thus: “those who are coming from space” or, to make things easier: “the celestials”.

At the time where airplanes did not yet exist and the Catholic Church was not yet confronted with this kind of problem, they used to tell us that the angels lived in the clouds. Finally, with the airplanes, everybody could see that they were not there. For a while, the Catholic Church avoided the subject and in the end, it admitted that the angels do not live in the sky. Nowadays, when we hear somebody talk about the angels in the clouds, it makes us smile and rightly so.

We could obviously say that this regrettable little mistake came from a too strict translation of the word “Elohim”, but then again… I speak Hebrew myself and although I am by far no expert in this language, I could very easily see that “Elohim” is a plural, despite my low level. In fact, Hebrew is much easier to understand than may think. A word ending with an “a” is a masculine singular and the plural would end in “im” (see Eloha/Elohim). There is strictly no exception to this rule; a 6 year-old Israeli child can tell you that without any hesitation. So, how is it possible that some highly educated priests from the Catholic Church made such a huge mistake? …/…
If you wish, you will find the complete chapter under this link

Chapter 14

The fourth circle was simply called “Zion”. We speak here about circles and not chapters, because first of all, they are presented as such in The Book of Iah, but also because it is a way of explaining that each circle gets closer to the centre, i.e. to the complete and absolute truth.

Zion means in Hebrew “haven and/or sanctuary” and is the name of the hill on which Jerusalem was built and where the Temple of Solomon is standing. In fact, this name is probably mostly known because of the “Priory of Zion” talked about in the bestseller The da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. To be able to understand the whole story about Zion, The Book of Iah explains the story of the Elohim from the very beginning, but in much more detail. The book further reveals that the Elohim’s passing on our planet still influences our present day psychology.

This alien species did not come to Earth 4000 years ago but, according to The Book of Iah, the first time they visited our planet was about 50000 years ago. They created us. They changed humanity’s DNA, or at least heavily influenced it in order to speed up the evolution of our race. This is how the Homo Sapiens Sapiens appeared. What is written in the Bible is therefore more or less right; the Elohim is or are our creators. But why did they create us? What was their purpose? The writings in The Book of Iah explain that the Elohim needed people to serve them and the Neanderthals were too limited to serve the alien cause. Unfortunately, this was not the only reason. This race of aliens, more commonly called “the Dragons” needed our race for something else; the Dragons manufacture beings and make biological robots and perfect slaves out of them. The problem for the Dragons is that once they have turned a civilisation into biological robots the race cannot bear children anymore, because to have children, you need love and as biological robots are unable to love, they cannot have children and like this, the Dragon’s “live stock” dries out.

To solve the problem, the Dragons elaborated a special plan of action: they came to Earth to give life and a very particular ego structure to human beings and then left humanity to procreate and reach a certain number before the masters’ harvesting. For them, they didn’t give life to a race; they simply created a hive. Before the Dragons came to Earth, humanity as we know it today didn’t exist, so for them, they have every right on us; we are just the final product of a genetic manipulation process. The Dragons have no time to waste on a little planet like ours. Another characteristic of their procedure is that they always create a second race. This second race resembles the first one, but it is a mixture between the first race they created, humanity, and their own race.
The second race is more evolved and seems to have some kind of telepathic powers. According to the Dragons’ plan it is destined to be the masters of this planet until the return of the latter when they come to harvest their hive. …/…

For easy convinience I inform you that the beginning of the Book of Iah is here

In this forum (many pages, I must recognize) but in only one forum I learned so much ; much more than in the hundreds of places I visited before. And, step by step, I finally manage to get a clearer picture of all what has been going on for ages and is still going on in the many existing dimensions. It is the first time I find only consistency, coherence, although more than 20 different experts with different specialities are together. Incredible ! I finally manage to put everything at the right place in my head. Sometimes it takes me a while to put all the elements together because when I arrive at page 50 I have forgotten a key element I read in page 12 and so on. Just as if my consciousness was refusing to assimilate some elements. But step by step I manage to clarify a lot of thinks in my consciousness. I clean my head from all the lies I swallowed before, I put everything at the right place.

It is a big step for me already but the biggest step to be done remains : I know I must react, I must change, I must evolve and increase my vibration level because I want to escape from the harvest. We must escape from the harvest and if we are here, together in this forum, there must be a reason. We must increase our vibration level to escape from this horrible plan. We must help ourselves and as much other people as we can. We must spread this information, we must invite as much people as possible to visit this forum and plan something for the future.


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15 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / Re: All the Secrets about our exceptional Discoveries on: September 30, 2007, 03:38:43 am
Started by admin - Last post by babilulo
Hi Jad,

Nice to read you again. I also do my best to invite more people here: Everybody should read this forum and especially the Book of Iah.

PM 7

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16 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / Re: Italy on: September 30, 2007, 03:37:28 am
Started by admin - Last post by babilulo
Benvenuto Hing,

Vorrei dire più ma quella 's quasi tutta che potessi dire in italiano.


PM 7

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17 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / Re: All the Secrets about our exceptional Discoveries on: September 30, 2007, 03:34:47 am
Started by admin - Last post by babilulo
Hello dear experts,

The summer was quite long in your absence, but when I discover all what you posted here the last days … it was worth waiting for your return. Honestly I am wondering if you really took holidays …

I don´t find the words to thank you for all what you share with us in this forum. I don´t find the words to thank you for sharing with us the Book of Iah.

At the beginning I was so excited by the lecture of this chapters that several times I had to make an effort to remember that even if some parts might look like it, it is not a science fiction book.

Unfortunately I had to realize that not everything going around extraterrestrial world and beings is science fiction … Unfortunately it is a real story and the worse for me is when I realize that we belong to the actors of the book and at which point we are the victims of this extraterrestrial world and some of its bad beings. It is so revolting to realize that we are the ones who were and are still manipulated and we are in great danger if we don’t react.

I am afraid that some of net surfers will read the Book of Iah like a science fiction book or like any of the numerous books they read already, teaching nothing but leading people to get used to fantastic stories, mixing everything more and more to increase our state of non reacting victims. This is very dangerous and is part of the plan, of course. You are right, everything has been foreseen.

It is hard to integrate that this book is really talking about our life (or death). There are a few chapters I had to read several times to make sure I really understand and the more I read, the more I realize at which point we are manipulated and at which point a part of the plan is achieved already. The strategies are really brilliant, more clever than we have been until now.

I am fascinated to see how you link and demonstrate the things, how you manage to reduce big theories to a simple, clear and obvious observation while very often, we managed not to see that 1 + 1 = 2

Thank you again for this revelations, for all what you did and went through to get this knowledge and share it with us. I wish I could do something for you in return, but I feel so small … At least I will do the maximum to spread the knowledge.

I wish many people will read that book and spread the knowledge around them. Everybody should read the Book of Iah. It is a real treasure. It is the only one I found until now that makes all the links between everything in all times and dimensions. If that is not the truth … ! Every body should be aware and awake. It is our only chance to survive, … if we react.

Please teach us how to increase our vibration level and get out of this web, out of the prison in which we are.

Thank you again.

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18 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / Re: U.F.O. Extraterresti ET Alieni on: September 29, 2007, 06:45:04 pm
Started by buck - Last post by freedom
hi buck,
i heard of the raelian religion,i think they are considered a sect but that doesn't necessary mean it's something bad.
i'm not too familiar with them,in my opinion (from the little i heard of them) they mix the truth with some fantasy/religion.
many people/groups do that so it's harder to find out if they tell the truth or not or better said which parts of what they tell you are true and which are lies.

many ufo/alien researchers and people who claim to be in contact with aliens usually agree that aliens helped creating the modern human on earth. many old texts like the bible,old sanskrit texts,etc. talk about this story too although sometimes it's hard to understand these texts cause they use other words ( e.g. they didn't have the word "ufo" back then when these texts were written,so they might used the word "wheel of fire that came from the sky"),but if you use the right translation you can find many parts in these texts that deal with aliens and ufos.

i personally agree that aliens intervened in our evolution and they played the gods or were considered to be gods by the primitive humans thousands of years ago,still there are the questions why and which aliens.

like i said before there are many different aliens,some are good others are bad and so it's not easy to answer the question who created/genmanipulated us and why. it could be good ones to help us in our evolution,it could be bad ones to breed a race of slaves for them. both opinion exists.

i haven't heard of prof. corrado malanga,but many people/experts/abductees talk about the alien abductions,actually thousands of people,so many that it's almost sure abductions exist. the reason is why?
here again we have different opinions,while many consider these abductions a bad thing there are also others who think it's a good deed. many people who got abducted remember parts of their abductions and even parts of communication with these aliens (there are almost always the little greys who are behind that phenomenon).
i think the majority of people consider these little greys as a negative race,only few talk good about them. one explanation would be that maybe different races of these little grey exists,some good and others bad but it's really tough to make a decision without knowing the truth behind it.

if you only read one book about these abductions you probably tend to see it the way it's described in the book,but after reading many books and stories about them,like i did,and receiving so many different views it's even hard for me to believe what's all behind that.

to sum it up in general words,i think good and bad aliens got in contact with the humans on earth and they both tried to influence humans,some into good directions,others in bad directions. it's pretty much like among humans on earth,you have friends and you have enemies,some support you while others fight against you and one of the most important things is to find out who is who and what are their aims.

and if you carefully follow what's written by the experts i think you come closer to the truth,many of the things they wrote about is the same that i found out through my researches.

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19 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / Some questions... on: September 28, 2007, 12:30:31 am
Started by Tomas - Last post by Tomas
Hello, my name's Tommaso and I'm a 19 y old student living in Perugia, Italy. Still studying english...

I've started reading the main topic ("All the Secrets...") and few questions raise from what I've read.
First of all I must say that the whole story seems just crazy, but despite of it there's a tiny voice inside of me that repeats me to believe what I'm reading. It's very strange.
At first it just seems a very well written sci-fi novel, but just a further look makes clear that is not the ordinary story about aliens and governative conspirations.

Now the questions...

1. I was very fascinated by fao language, so I'm eager to know more about it... please tell me how to learn a bit of it. Would you please post some pic with a text in english and the same text translated in fao?
2. You talk about Vibration Level, that is possible to increase it, that there are techniques to improve the VL, but you don't say a word about them... why? Please, tell me how can I increase my VL!
3. You say that our interior monologue (the gienbro) prevents us from seeing the truth. Yet again you don't say much about how to stop it. Why?

These are the 3 main questions about what I've read until now. I hope you'll write me soon, because I'm very curious and, most of all, I'd really want to be a better person, both spiritually and mentally.

Thank You.
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20 Welcome to the Expertforum / The Expert Team / Re: U.F.O. Extraterresti ET Alieni on: September 28, 2007, 12:14:33 am
Started by buck - Last post by buck
very interesting. thanks for your response

I know Raelian religion that said that Elohim created human life on earth and it's all written on the Holy Bible and much other holy books.

But in the mean time i also read some studies about alien's abductions of the Prof. Corrado Malanga that said that the aliens want to steal our soul...

what do you thinks about?
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00venerdì 12 ottobre 2007 04:09

Caro trojan.ll, vedi che puoi fare cerca di capirci qualcosa perchè io non ci riesco e mi si impiccia il cervello non conoscendo l'inglese.
00venerdì 12 ottobre 2007 07:19
Trojan, intervieni qui si affoga e speriamo che non sia una bufola o un colossale depistaggio.

Mi chiedo, ma che sarà di cosi tanto spaventevole e abberrante se tutti si defilano?
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